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How to Activate SKRILL Prepaid Master Card?

Welcome to Online Education Aid,
This article will help you about "How to activate you SKRILL Prepaid Master Card?" This is a very simple process to active your  Skrill Prepaid Card. Once your ordered your card and you have received this card from your postal address then you need to active your card to make usable it. So,

How to Activate SKRILL Prepaid Master Card?

Step 1- Simple you need to unpack your Skrill Prepaid Card from the mail box and go to the Skrill official website.

Step 2- After login your Skrill account please click on the "SKRILL CARD" section and select "PHYSICAL CARD" option. There you will get activation form like the screenshot given blow. No you need to enter the last 4 digit of your Skrill Prepaid Card and Exp Date.

Step 3- After fill up the form the "ACTIVATE CARD" Button will be highlight, and you need to click on the "ACTIVATE CARD" button to active your card.

Final Step: After clicking the "ACTIVATE CARD" button you will get a massage that "your card activated successfully and you will get 4 digit PIN code there for ATM withdraw. Please save the PIN number and click the "CONTINUE" button to finish the Skrill Prepaid Card activation process.

That't it. If you are unable to understand this article then please watch the video tutorial given blow.

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